Open Adult Classes

Adult Dance & Wellness Classes

New to NOVA? Try a 7 Day All Access Pass!

Please book online prior to your arrival.

Try out a 7 Day All Access Pass for only $27!

Pop-up Wellness Series

Wednesdays 7:50-8:50pm

(Jan 29th-Feb 19th)

Join us for Deep Stretch & Roll, a 4 week wellness pop-up designed to release tension, improve flexibility, and enhance mobility. Focused on myofascial release, foam rollers, lacrosse balls, bolsters, and other tools are used as a guide to self-massage safely, properly rolling out the muscles and fascia. This class is perfect for athletes, active individuals, and anyone looking to move and feel better.

*Reserve your spot in a single class or sign up for the whole series

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Saturdays 9:00-10:00am

(March 29th, April 12th, April 19th, May 10th)

The Ellové Technique® is a conditioning and cross-training class taught by certified dance specialists and educators. The pure techniques of ballet, yoga, fitness, and Pilates are set to music in a seamless movement sequence that improves strength, flexibility, and control.

The Ellové technique is endorsed by doctors for dancers

*Reserve your spot in a single class or sign up for the whole series

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Manage Your Bookings

 Download the Momence App to book and cancel classes, appointments, and workshops, manage your membership and class credits, and get important studio announcements.

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Class Info:

Try out a 7 Day All Access Pass for only $27!

Know Before you Go:

✔️ No street shoes in the studio rooms.

✔️ Clear liquids only. Filtered water is available for refills.

✔️ Dance attire encouraged but not required.

Looking to improve your ballet technique and connect with other dancers? 

Check out NOVA's Adult Academy!

Learn More

Blank Canvas

God wants to dream with YOU!

Designed as an open time for creatives and dancers, join us for tea, journaling, worship and connecting with God.

First Sunday of every month

7:15 - 8:30 pm

6:45 - arrive, tea and visiting 

7:15 - settle, opening worship, and follow along dancing!

7:30 - scripture reflection and journaling

7:40 - Personal time to create or connect with God (bring your drawings, your projects, your "blank paper or canvas!" and see what he will do!)

8:15 - Time of optional sharing


Text: 904-966-4892. We're here to help you find your own unique wellness rhythm.

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